Numeracy across the curriculm 2023-24
What is numeracy?
Numeracy is different to Mathematics. Redhill students learn most of their numeracy skills in their mathematics lessons but being numerate means they are able to apply these skills in both mathematics and all of their other subjects. It is having the confidence and skill to use numbers and mathematical approaches in all aspects of life - at work, in practical everyday activities at home and beyond, in managing our finances, as parents helping children learn, as patients making sense of health information, as citizens understanding the world around us.
It means being able to:
· Interpret data, charts and diagrams
· Process information
· Solve problems
· Check answers
· Understand and explain solutions
· Make decisions based on logical thinking and reasoning.
Taken from
“ Good numeracy is the best protection against unemployment, low wages and poor health.”
A detailed presentation explaining the core mathematical skills that we all need to be confident and competent with numbers in daily life and the workplace can be found here.
Numeracy at Redhill
We believe that every child should develop the numeracy they will need for a bright future. Consequently, at Redhill, we believe that that Numeracy is not the sole responsibility of the mathematics department. All other subjects contribute to the development and enhancement of students’ numeracy skills including their ability to describe and explain their strategies and reasoning. Numeracy and Literacy are essential skills for academic success and to cope with the challenges that life brings. As such, we look for opportunities to develop these skills and join up teaching, learning and thinking across our curriculum.
Supporting at home
Please use the link below to look at ways in which you can support your child at home.