Who To Contact

Should you wish to discuss any aspects of your child's progress at Redhill, please feel free to get in touch.

You may do this by phoning the school office on 01384 816355 to make an appointment or by contacting the relevant head of pastoral / department directly by e-mail.

If your child is not going to be in school and you need to contact our absence line please contact us on 01384 816350.

For more general enquiries, please e-mail info@redhill.dudley.sch.uk

Head of Year Contacts

Year 7 - Mrs Rowell - LRowell@redhill.dudley.sch.uk

Year 8 - Miss Glover - LGlover@redhill.dudley.sch.uk

Year 9 - Mrs H Corcoran - HCorcoran@redhill.dudley.sch.uk

Year 10 - Mr Vaughan - JVaughan@redhill.dudley.sch.uk

Year 11 - Miss Ford- TFord@redhill.dudley.sch.uk

Pastoral Contacts

Year 7 Pastoral Support Worker - – Ms P Gonderton – pgonderton@redhill.dudley.sch.uk

Year 8 Pastoral Support Worker – Miss Emma Hodge - ehodge@redhill.dudley.sch.uk

Year 9 Pastoral Support Worker – Miss C Probert – cprobert@redhill.dudley.sch.uk

Year 10 Pastoral Support Worker – Miss R Hadlington - rhadlington@redhill.dudley.sch.uk

Year 11 Pastoral Support Worker – Miss C McInnis cmcinnis@redhill.dudley.sch.uk (Every day apart from Tuesdays)

Curriculum Contacts

Food Preparation and Nutrition - Mrs Condlyffe-Fisher - tcondlyffe@redhill.dudley.sch.uk

Art - Mrs Chamberlain-Page - jchamberlain-page@redhill.dudley.sch.uk

Design Technology - Mrs Baggott - vbaggott@redhill.dudley.sch.uk

English - Mrs Connolly - KConnolly@redhill.dudley.sch.uk

History - Mr Dallow - pdallow1@redhill.dudley.sch.uk

Geography- Miss Reeves - LReeves@redhill.dudley.sch.uk

Theology, Philosophy and Ethics - Miss Griffiths - lgriffiths@redhill.dudley.sch.uk

Business Studies & Enterprise - Mr Lynch - DLynch@Redhill.dudley.sch.uk

ICT - Miss Dimmock - cdimmock@redhill.dudley.sch.uk

Maths - Mrs Smith - DSmith@redhill.dudley.sch.uk

Modern Foreign Languages - Miss Wheatcroft - HWheatcroft@redhill.dudley.sch.uk

PE - Mr Field MField@redhill.dudley.sch.uk

PSHE - Miss Griffiths - lgriffiths@redhill.dudley.sch.uk

Science - Mr Hall - dhall@redhill.dudley.sch.uk

Careers Information, Advice and Guidance

IAG Coordinator - Mrs Baggot - vbaggott@redhill.dudley.sch.uk

SEN Contacts


Assistant Head - Inclusion & SENCO (NPQSL, NASEN) - Mrs Lesniewski - alesniewski@redhill.dudley.sch.uk

Assistant SENCo (NPQSL, NASEN) - Mrs Gemma Fox - gfox1@redhill.dudley.sch.uk