GCSE Learning Routes 2025- 2027

Welcome to our curriculum learning routes information page. The aim of this page is to give you and your child all the information that you need to make informed decisions about the courses and qualifications that you may wish to consider as part of your child’s future curriculum.    

Since joining Redhill, pupils have followed the National Curriculum during the Foundation Years. Students have had the opportunity to study a board and balanced curriculum including MFL, Humanities and the Arts. This has given them a wide range of experiences which should help to inform their decision making when thinking about their future curriculum.  

Years 10 - Year 11  

  • Every pupil follows non-core, GCSE/BTEC subjects that we believe develop their strengths and interests  

  • The subjects will be a combination of compulsory core subjects and 2 additional courses  

  • The subjects will allow them to make the best progress  

  • The Learning Route will be broad and balanced to ensure successful access to post-16 

  • Some students will follow a learning route which will be tailored to meet their individual needs and best support their learning    


The Pathways programme is a carefully planned process which helps pupils, with support from parents and teachers, to make informed choices about their courses for Key Stage 4.  

There are then individual interviews with each pupil and further opportunities are given for parents to meet with a senior member of staff to discuss their individual pathways if needed. 


Recommended Pathway Options Powerpoint


Information to help you make decisions

Core Subjects

Please click on the links below for information about each subject.

Additional Subjects

Please click on the links below for information about each subject.

If you have any questions please contact Mrs V Corfield - vcorfield@redhill.dudley.sch.uk