INCLUSION AT REDHILL - Mission Statement

At Redhill School we believe in a child centred approach to education. Each of our learners are supported and guided to achieve success at their own pace and for themselves. We have an ethos of delivering high quality teaching and learning, which is differentiated to meet the needs of the individual and will help, support and guide them into Post 16 provision.

Our curriculum is broad and rich with both SEND and non-SEND students studying a full range of national curriculum subjects in Years 7 and 8. All students are part of a GCSE options process at the end of this key stage in which they are selected for a variety of alternative pathways which are appropriate to their abilities and ensure that our learners leave Redhill with the best possible outcomes.

From early identification and by developing close working relationships with home, pupils requiring additional provision through interventions or in class support, in order to access quality first teaching, are under the care of our Enrichment team, which consists of our SENCO: Mrs Amy Lesniewski, HLTA: Mrs Jones and a highly skilled group of nine teaching assistants who bring with them an array of knowledge and expertise.

The care of the Enrichment team will be a constant support for your child whilst they are at Redhill. We play a central role in all aspects of inclusion from the emotional needs of transition, to the practical needs of examination access arrangements such as being a scribe, reader, prompt, to the sometimes overwhelming final stages in your child’s learning journey: GCSE examinations and transition to Post 16 provisions.

At Redhill, our mission is to provide support and enhanced learning opportunities for all our learners, support and guide the development of key skills which are necessary for independent learning and to help build confidence and a sense of identity for all students in order to prepare them for the next stages of learning.

Contact Information

Our SEND/SENCO is Mrs A Lesniewski

Our Assistant SEND/SENCO is Mrs G Fox

Our Enrichment Manager is Mrs P Jones

To contact our SEN Team please email

Enrichment Manager

We are lucky enough to have our enrichment area, which is our SEND learning base. Our Enrichment manager is Mrs Paula Jones. She manages the day-to-day SEND provision in our Enrichment Area (SEND. She supports in the running of interventions and helps to co-ordinate some of our access arrangements work. She also provides tours of the school for prospective parents of pupils with additional learning needs.

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