EXAMs and revision

Year 11 GCSE Results Day: Thursday 22nd August 2024

Post Results Deadlines: 

      Tuesday 3rd September 2024 - Copy of script to support a review of marking

      Tuesday 24th September 2024 - Clerical check, Review of Marking and Access to Scripts


Supporting your child in setting themselves up for revision

  • Talk to your child – ask them how you can support them and what they would find useful.

  • Help to make a list of what is needed – help to avoid their procrastination.

  • Encourage them to file hand-outs and organise books early on (perhaps each night), so that they can find what they need easily.

  • Find out what additional support school offers – visit the website and ask about revision/support sessions.

  • Support and help to guide decisions about revision aids – ask teachers/school what they would recommend.

  • Help them to plan and create their revision timetable – invest time early and it will pay off in the end.

Supporting your child in doing the revision

  • Support your child by ensuring that they are sticking to their revision timetable. Give them praise when they do it and possibly negotiate a reward structure. Avoid making treats dependent on results – this could only add to feelings of failure and disappointment if they don’t do as well as expected.

  • Perhaps create a ‘workbox’ that is filled with pens, sticky-notes, highlighters, etc., so they feel prepared.

  • Negotiate the ‘rules for revision’ – think about access to mobile phones, TVs, games consoles etc., and decide what you both agree on.

  • Provide healthy snacks and water for revision session.

  • Be flexible – if they want to miss a session because they have a party, ask them when they will make the time up.

  • Be sensitive to the pressure – be understanding when they have off days and remind them of all the good work they have done and will continue to do.

  • Show an interest – talk through difficulties and be prepared to help them re-schedule or help them put things into perspective.

  • Keep perspective – your child might not do it the way you would do it, or as often as you would like, but they are hopefully doing their best in the way that works for them.

General Revision Resources:

Year 10 Parental Revision Support and Guidance Evening

Year 11 Parental Revision Support and Guidance Evening

Support at home for English GCSE

Support at home for Mathematics GCSE

Support at home for Science GCSE