Lost Property - Information for Parents/Carers

It is the individual student’s responsibility to look after their property.

In order for any lost property to be returned quickly, we would advise all parents/carers to put their child/ren’s name on any uniform / property including their PE kit and pencil cases.

As per the Mobile Phone and Electronic Device Policy, the security of phones remains the student’s responsibility in all lessons including PE lessons.

Students should not bring in any high value equipment to school.

Any items found on school premises are taken to reception and recorded.

If a student has lost an item, they should go to reception to enquire if their lost item has been handed in. Details of the item will be taken if it is not there. Should it be found at a later date, reception will put a note on Classcharts to ask the student to collect it from reception at break time, lunchtime or after school. Reception will issue a 2nd reminder if it has not been collected and will also inform parents/carers.

If items are handed in to reception by parents, reception will put a note on Classcharts to ask the student to collect the item at their earliest convenience that day. As with found items, reception will issue a 2nd reminder if it has not been collected and will also inform parents/carers.

Lost property will only be kept until the end of the following term after it was handed in.