May Music Concert

I'm so thrilled with how the concert went last night - after so long without a proper concert the pupils really did themselves proud. The quality and commitment from the pupils as been fantastic - I couldn't have asked for more. Over the moon! - Mrs Hastings

‘The May Concert was nothing less than spectacular in every aspect. Everyone involved has worked so hard and has dedicated so much time into learning the lyrics to songs, choreography to music, the notes on the music scores and working together as a team.

I had joined the choir probably a month and a half before the concert due to the fact that I am in production and Mrs Hastings had asked me to join, with the promise of Haribo's, (I'm still waiting to get them!) Having to learn the lyrics to three songs on top of Annie rehearsals plus exams, was a lot, but it 100% paid off! Seeing the daytime rehearsals on Instagram made me step back and think: 'Wait, we sounded good?', 'The harmony was finally balanced?' and 'We did so well!' Two out of three songs went really well on Tuesday night but of course, with everything, there's got to be a technical hitch somewhere! The projector unfortunately would not turn on. Even with Mr Clayton's attempts, it was refusing to work so what would've been a sing-along to "We Don't Talk About Bruno", turned out to be another performance from the choir!

My parents came to see us and they really, really enjoyed it! When performing the finale (Africa - Toto, a classic 80's pop song), I could see in the corner of my eye that my Mother was sobbing a little. I still do not understand why whenever she sees me onstage, whether it is me singing or playing an instrument or acting, she always cries. I believe that my parent's favourite performance was the finale.

If I were to be asked what my favourite part of the concert was, I wouldn't be able to choose because everyone did so well. Mrs Hastings, who absolutely smashed the solo in the finale after so many attempts, and the rest of the staff, included! Although I may be a bit biased here but if I had to choose, I'd choose the performance before the finale, a section of Annie! Even though I've seen the opening of act one multiple times, seeing it from the audience's perspective with the costumes, sound, lighting, choreography and set, hearing Millie (who plays Annie) sing, made me tear up...A lot.

Overall, I believe that the concert was a huge success! It was very stressful at the time, however, it was a wonderful experience for all and after not having a concert or any showcasing of learning or music other than virtual for just over two years has made everything feel a bit more real, for everyone. This is my chance to personally thank the Music Department and everyone else involved for making Tuesday's event possible, It was truly amazing.’ - Keeley G, Year 10

‘The May concert was the first concert with an audience since COVID! It had acts such as the orchestra playing ‘The Medallion Calls’ and ‘The Black Pearl’ and the Ukulele ensemble playing ‘Take Me Home’ and the cast of Annie singing ‘Maybe’ and ‘Never Fully Dressed’. The concert went very well and Mrs Hastings was very excited. Rehearsals took place throughout the day. We went through the pieces multiple times. We were able to get all the pieces done by the end of the day. The finale was ‘Africa’ by Toto. This was sung by everyone in the concert. The song also started off with everyone making a lighting and rain effect. This was done by everyone rubbing their hands together, slowly turning into clicking, then doing a drum roll with occasional jumping to replicate thunder, before working our way back to the hand rubbing. It sounded great!

I am very glad to have been a part of this and it was a lot of fun.’ - Caleb W, Year 8

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