Sophie's Cash for Kids Mission Christmas

On the 19th of November our student Sophie completed a 15 mile walk to raise money for Cash for Kids Mission Christmas, who raise money to buy gifts for less fortunate children, who may wake up with nothing on Christmas morning. The walk took her 6 hours and 20 minutes and so far she has raised £690, with even more donations to come in! Well done Sophie!

This is Sophie’s second time raising money for the cause, as in 2020 she raised over £450 and bought over 100 gifts with people’s donations.

Sophie is collecting cash donations via her donation form, but there is also an online page for donations to go straight to the charity, who will then buy the gifts.

Sophie’s Mum informed us, “We know times are especially tough this year and this has made Sophie even more determined to help those that may not be as lucky on Christmas morning as she is.”

Here at Redhill we are very proud of Sophie’s drive to help others, and want to celebrate her achievements.

Donate here!


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