Thank You For The Music: Mr Lindsay Reflects on his Time at Redhill

“Why do you want to be a music teacher?" I believe this was the first thing question I was asked at Redhill during my interview with the Teaching School. From my first day training to be a teacher, to my final production with the department, I think my time at Redhill has shown why teaching music is such an important part of my life.

Within the performing arts, we have faced many challenges during my time at Redhill. During my training year and half of my first year as a qualified teacher, the department was kept busy with concerts and prodcutions (as well as teaching!). Of course, in March 2020 everything came to a halt. We were unable to rehearse or plan concerts, and we had to adapt our lessons to ensure that everyone could engage at home. Even throughout those challenging times, the pupils at Redhill showed that they are fantastic musicians. From excellent GCSE compositions to virtual concerts, I saw the dedication and commitment to excellence that Redhill expects of our pupils.

Post-lockdown, it really feels that we have managed to achieve our goal of rebuilding our "B block" group. Pupils are once again involved in a wide range of extra-curricular and enjoying the full offer of a range of topics covered in music lessons. There have been concerts (both virtual and live) that have been well received by pupils, staff and parents alike, and with the production run about to start as I write this, it really feels as though my final fortnight at Redhill will certainly be one to remember!

Throughout my time at Redhill, I have been part of so many events as part of B block. I shall have plenty of fond memories and experiences to look back on. Being part of the team of staff at Redhill has provided many opportunities for my own personal development and I am sure these will be invaluable as I move onto my new role as Head of Music!

As one of Mr Lindsay’s final trips out for Music, he took our finest rock band to perform at Dudley Performing Arts ‘Rock the Castle’ event. Have a read about the trip in our July Newsletter! They were so good, they were selected to be on the radio!

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