Redhill School Celebrate Outstanding GCSE Results 2024

Redhill students are once again celebrating a tremendous set of GCSE results.

The students attained significantly higher than national averages in their GCSE examinations with pass rates for both 4+ and 5+ in English and Mathematics being very strong. The school also attained higher than the national averages for the top grades of 7-9 across GCSE subjects. Equally, results across the curriculum were also above national and the school is delighted with the outcomes.

The top 10 students attained ninety-nine combined top grades of 7-9. This is exceptional and is testament to the calibre of students at Redhill.

This year group is a special group of students who have worked alongside their staff to achieve these wonderful results. We are very proud of each and every student. The success in their examinations reflects who they are as people: hardworking, caring and committed to being the best they can be.

This achievement was a collective effort between school and home with parents and staff playing a crucial role in the students getting such wonderful outcomes.

Matthew Roach