Full Reopening of Redhill School in September – Parent Guidelines

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Firstly we hope you are all well and managing to stay safe during these extraordinary times. We are excited to be able to communicate our comprehensive plan for the opening of Redhill School to all students in September and have presented the details in a parent handbook (please see below). We are assuming that you will want to understand as much detail as possible in regard to how the school will operate and therefore the hope is that you find the document both useful and informative.

We all know that change is normal and inevitable. However, I’m sure that we can all agree that embracing the ‘new normal’ that Covid-19 has brought is most definitely a challenge. It is for this reason that home-school communication during this period of change will never be so important. The parent handbook represents the first phase of communication; please read the guidelines carefully and direct any questions to us at info@redhill.dudley.sch.uk.

During the summer holidays, on the week beginning Monday 16th August, we will collate all of the queries and questions and produce a Frequently Asked Questions document to supplement the parent handbook. We will also release final details of our induction process for all year groups.

We hope you have the most fantastic summer and we look forward to seeing you all again very soon.

Yours sincerely,

Mr J Clayton


Please click the Fullscreen button on the document below

Matthew Roach