End of Year letter from the Headteacher

Dear Parents/Carers,

On behalf of everyone at Redhill I hope that you are all keeping safe and looking after those who are closest to you. I would like to ‘Thank You’ for all of your support during this past year. Times have been tough for many people during the pandemic, your continued commitment to working with the school has shone through despite many of the difficulties we have faced.

The staff are excited to be planning for the wider reopening of our school, I hope you have had time to read our plans for creating a safe learning environment whilst delivering our ambitious, broad and balanced curriculum. The plans can be found on our website following the link below. The document is comprehensive and thorough, however we know that you will have questions that relate to your personal circumstances. Please send your questions to the email address info@redhill.dudley.sch.uk we will collate these and send a further communication to parents during the week beginning 17th August. The reason for sending out further information is to enable us to respond to any changes in Government policy between now and the start of term. The guide also explains changes to the uniform policy and equipment needed for the autumn term. https://www.redhill.dudley.sch.uk/latest-news/2020/7/14/full-reopening-of-redhill-school-in-september-parent-guidelines

Today we say goodbye to our key worker and vulnerable students as they head on to their summer break. We also say farewell to some staff members - Mr Oakes, Miss Mills, Mrs Clarke and Mrs Hull are all moving on to exciting new adventures. They have contributed to Redhill School in so many ways. We wish them well and know that they will stay in contact with the school. On behalf of the children, parents and all your colleagues ‘Thank You’ for your commitment to Redhill.

We always end the term by emphasising the importance of staying safe over the summer. There are details of organisations who can support students and parents on the Safeguarding section of the website. Please refer to these if needed.

To start the term safely we are introducing the year groups back into school on different days.

Further information on the arrangements for the day will be sent in our summer communications, the timings and dates for each year group are:

· Year 7 Wednesday 2nd September8.15 am arrival on the rubber crumb

· Year 8 Thursday 3rd September9.00 am arrival on the rubber crumb

· Year 9 Thursday 3rd September9.25 am arrival on the rubber crumb

· Year 10 Thursday 3rd September9.45am arrival on the rubber crumb

· Year 11 Wednesday 2nd September13.30 pm arrival on the rubber crumb

To finish I would like to thank all the students, staff, parents and governors who have worked so hard together to keep our school open and to keep our students studying, in school or remotely, throughout the pandemic. We will hit the ground running in September and, with a bit of luck, we will soon be able to return to some kind of normality.

I hope you have a lovely summer and that the sun shines upon us all!

Yours faithfully

Mr J Clayton


Matthew Roach