Online Learning Update

Dear Parents and Carers

First of all, can I say that your children are doing an incredible job and they should be extremely proud of themselves; it is an extremely challenging time for us all, but they are showing great resilience and clearly have a wonderful support system in you. 

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your feedback regarding the Online Learning Timetable, and to also provide you with an update for the next phase of our Online Learning.  As you are aware, the Online Learning Timetable and the scheduling of work was put in place for the well-being of our pupils; this decision was based on feedback from the questionnaire, pupil phone calls, communication with parents and carers etc. Our aim for Online Learning remains the same: we want to ensure that the Quality of Education provided, along with the feedback given to our pupils is of the highest quality.

We are working hard to ensure that we continue to support the pupils by providing them with quality online learning materials and feedback, whilst also working on plans for the next phase where we will be increasing our 'in-school' provision, alongside the use of online teacher tutorials and lessons through Google Classroom.

This new phase will include:

  • An increase in the frequency of teacher feedback given to all our pupils through Google Classroom

  • Subject specific extension and challenge learning opportunities provided for pupils on Google Classroom

  • The use of online ‘Video Instructional Teaching’ through Google Classroom for our pupils

  • The planning and delivery of ‘face to face’ lessons for all our Y10 pupils in school

  • The continuation of in-school support for the learning of our Key Worker and Vulnerable pupils

  • The continuation of our well-being and learning support phone calls for pupils

  • We will also continue to pilot ‘Live’ online lessons with our pupils and teachers, in the hope of being able to increase the amount of these offered within the next phase of our online provision.

You will also see that on our website we have now shared a 'mid-term plan' for each subject for this half-term, which gives explicit details about the learning opportunity for each week/fortnight and information about the HiTs (Hand in Tasks), which will be given feedback from teachers. This information can be found here on our school website:

On our website there are also links to Wider Learning Opportunities:, which might be worth a visit if pupils are looking for ways to further challenge themselves. 

As always, your voice is very important to us, and we always take this on board; we know how important it is to work in consultation with our parents and carers in order to improve, and this will ultimately make our online learning the best that it can be, so thank you. If you do wish to provide any further comments, then please do continue to contact us through our info email:

We have met with all of our staff this week, which has given us the opportunity to share your feedback as well as discuss our plans for this next phase. 

Redhill School is committed to continuous improvement and everything we do is centred around the safety and the well-being of our pupils and our staff - that is, as always, at the heart of everything we do. 

Yours faithfully,

 Mrs T Gibbins

Assistant Headteacher

Matthew Roach