Headteacher Update

Dear Parents/Carers

I hope that all your family are safe and well, our thoughts and sympathies are offered to all those who have lost loved ones during the pandemic. We are really grateful for the number of parents who have contacted Redhill to inform us of the ever changing personal circumstances for our students. Being informed allows us to offer support in the best way we can. Please keep contacting us via email info@redhill.dudley.sch.uk , alternatively you can call the school from 8.30am to 3pm if you would prefer to speak to a member of our team.

I hope that all of you have received wellbeing phone calls from members of our support team and teaching staff. These are really important for us to ensure that parents and students are supported during the partial school closure. Unfortunately, we do have to call with a withheld number, I am sorry about this as I know this can be problematic for some parents.

The children of key workers and vulnerable students continue to bring happiness, energy and enjoyment to our school. We will continue to offer support for these students throughout the school break and beyond. I anticipate the number of students requesting a place in school will increase, therefore I ask that you complete the Google form (sent via Groupcall) requesting provision for your child/children. Ensuring that we have adequate space and staffing to provide care for these students is the reason we need to know your requirements. Government guidance can be found here:


We have recently reviewed our online learning provision with a focus on improving the frequency and quality of feedback. Alongside this we have moved to a daily timetable for setting work, this was in response to parental feedback surrounding pupil wellbeing. We have piloted staff voice over and live lessons for some groups. Our aim is to expand on the number of these more personal learning experiences as we move through the summer term. Please continue to send your feedback to us on the quality of our home learning provision through the info@redhill.dudley.sch.uk or via the personal phone calls we are making.

The Government has announced a desire for schools to provide some ‘face to face contact’ with Year 10 students from the 1st June. Over the next week we will be contacting the parents of the Year 10 students for a personal discussion on how we can provide the balance of safety, welfare support and a quality learning experience for your child/children. We understand that you will have many questions, we want to hear these and address them in our planning. Further correspondence and communication will be sent to Year 10 parents as we finalise our plans.

My final message is for us all to try to remain positive and strong during these difficult times, it is tough for each of us in different ways; from those on the front line supporting the vulnerable, those home schooling, those going back into school, those trying to motivate teenagers, those who have lost family earnings, those supporting elderly loved ones, those who realise their children eat a lot (and food is expensive) ... the list goes on. If I have missed someone I apologise. Redhill will do our utmost to support in the best way we can. We are very proud of our students, parents and staff. Please keep contacting us, hearing from you makes us a better school.

Take care and stay safe.

Mr J Clayton


Matthew Roach