Ocean's Multi Musical Skills


Ocean started playing the keyboard in Year 3 and hasn’t stopped since!

She fell in love with the instrument during an assembly that promoted music lessons; she had always liked music before but was too young to pursue an instrument. She asked if she could sign up that year.

Since then, she has managed to do many stage productions and performances with her keyboard. All of them were with her keyboard ensemble, but performances she has done at school range from band work to solos.

‘I have an after school club on Tuesday, Wednesdays and sometimes Thursdays.’ But it’s not just the keyboard that Ocean loves to practice. ‘Out of school I have choir on Wednesdays after I come out of my other music club. I also have keyboard ensemble on Mondays as well as a keyboard lesson once a week in school hours.

Ocean would love to become part of a stage production band or a musician altogether because she loves music and wouldn’t want to ever give it up.

Her next big events include the school summer concert, in which she will play with her keyboard ensemble.

Please scroll down to hear Ocean play on multiple instruments and sing!

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