Finn's Swimming Success

Finn has loved the water since he was two years old, moving to a competitive swimming club in Stourbridge at age 10, where he still swims now. What started off as just a leisurely weekend activity turned into a huge talent and dedication; he was told he had a talent and high ability level, and should swim competitively. He is currently a County Level swimmer and is reaching for regionals. He competed in a biathlon in January and successfully qualified for the Nationals in March.

Finn has dedicated himself to his sport, training six times a week, ranging from 1 hour to 2 hour sessions. Saturday is his free day to relax, though. If that swim training wasn’t enough, Finn also challenges himself to run a 5k every other day and attends track training on Wednesdays.

With this skill and commitment, he hopes to take his swimming to national level and compete in the National Biathlon in Bath.

Another huge achievement in his swimming so far has been his experience swimming in open water, raising over £400 last year, swimming 2.5 miles. We commend Finn’s fantastic abilities and effort in swimming and running and he did incredibly well in the March Biathlon.

He has now qualified to swim in Madeira in Team GB straight after his exams. We can’t wait to hear more about this incredible opportunity!

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