Lilly-Rose's Dance Competitions

Four years ago, Lilly-Rose started dancing in ballet and tap competitions. She fell in love with it when she went to do an activity club at dance school.
So far, she has won Best Dancer of the Year, resulting in a huge trophy and a t-shirt. In September, she danced at a competition in Birmingham where there were over 600 dancers. Lilly-rose had fantastic results, coming 2nd in her slow freestyle, 2nd in her fast freestyle and 2nd in her slow pairs category. The week before, she won 1st place in Fast freestyle, 4th in Slow and 4th in Pairs.
In October, she danced in Oxford and won 1st prize in three categories! This means she’s now moved up a grade!
She practices multiple times a week and sometimes on weekends, and she dreams of taking her skill and talent to the Boa Academy.
One of the biggest upcoming events in her dance career is an audition to dance at Disneyland Paris! Good Luck Lilly-Rose, we hope you get a place!
Please view the slideshow below!