Subject Overview
The Science Department is very large, comprising ten teachers, two laboratory technicians and nine laboratories together with preparation rooms. Over the years the department has been very successful both in terms of examination results as well as pupil participation in science clubs and gifted and talented events across Dudley.
In Year 7 and 8 a Co-ordinated Science course is taught with the aims of introducing our students to basic scientific techniques, safe practices and producing good notes and experimental write-ups. From then on, the three sciences are taught by one teacher.
In Year 10 all pupils either take two GCSEs in Science (Combined Science: Trilogy) or all three GCSEs in Science (Biology, Chemistry and Physics). Science is an incredibly popular subject with many students going on to study Sciences at A level. Both Trilogy Science and Separate Science pupils are accepted for A level study. Students are selected for the various courses based on performance in their Y9 examinations.
Extended Learning
The science department are currently modifying the extended learning tasks for all year groups in preparation of the new academic year, please check back soon.
SMSC In Science
Spiritual Moral Social and Cultural development
Spiritual development – pupils are given many opportunities in science to consider the big ideas that have interested man. The Big Bang, Evolution, Genetic Engineering, The Human Body, Diseases, are all topics that engage pupils and allow them to consider these big topics. In lessons pupils are seen to be thoroughly engaged when answering questions regarding their origins, and this also allow pupils to question their understanding of their world.
Moral development – through the teaching of key ethical issues in Science students are encouraged to explore their own opinions about: consequences and actions, contraception, global warming, IVF, nanoscience, cloning, stem cells, research techniques.
Social development – the science laboratory provides many opportunities for group work, debates, adopting different roles within the classroom and working with completely different groups of people. A key skill taught is to question the value of the media as a source of scientific knowledge. This allows pupils an understanding of the value of different scientific and non-scientific evidence that might be presented to them.
Cultural development – Science offers pupils the chance to gain knowledge of scientists from around the world, including British science and scientists. Topics that develop insight into other cultures compared to our own include: pandemics, famine, diet around the world and genetic engineering.