Reading Intervention

At Redhill School we understand the importance reading can have on the future success of our pupils and we are committed to ensuring all pupils, especially struggling and reluctant readers, are fully supported to improve their reading skills. Redhill uses nationally recognised GL assessments, with all Year 7 pupils and targeted pupils across KS3 assessed during Autumn Term 1 to provide standardised reading age scores. These scores identify pupils with a significant reading gaps compared to their peers and through our skilled reading leads and librarian, identified pupils will receive reading intervention to support the mechanics of reading, fluency, word study, grammar, comprehension and inference.  

Our SEND team is an essential part of our reading strategy at Redhill. They provide invaluable support to SEND pupils through intervention as well as supporting teachers across the curriculum with small group work and by sharing strategies to develop reading in lessons. Pupils with SEND needs who require reading intervention receive additional support through one-to-one intervention after school facilitated by our Enrichment team. These targeted students are invited to attend after school reading intervention where they will work on a mix of single phonetical word sounds and blended CVC words.  

Our dedicated reading leads share an expertise in using digital technologies to improve pupils’ reading. A digital reading intervention programme in tutor time has been established to target small numbers of pupils across KS3 with significant reading gaps and standardised scores between 87-95. Our reading leads are trained to deliver the intuitive, online reading programme Lexia to complete appropriate ‘strands’ and develop necessary reading skills.