
Subject Overview

Here at Redhill we aim to make Mathematics accessible, relevant and engaging.

We believe that all pupils can achieve success within our learning area and aim to make our approach adaptable in order to appeal to a range of learning styles.

We review pupil progress regularly in order to offer the best experience to each individual during their learning journey.

When pupils first start at Redhill in Year 7, they have seven Mathematics lessons per fortnight. Whilst new content is taught, designated skills and problem-solving lessons ensure that a breadth of knowledge and understanding is provided during our Foundation Curriculum.

Following this, pupils then follow a 3 Year, Edexcel GCSE 9-1 specification. This new course has gained additional, more challenging subject content and has an increased focus on problem solving strategies.

The Foundation Tier examination includes topics at grades 1 to 5, whilst the Higher Tier examination covers grades 4 to 9. There continues to be no coursework element in our subject, meaning that the final examination will account for the entire grade. The GCSE examination is made up of three papers; one non-calculator and two calculators papers.

Our GCSE course begins in Year 9, allowing time to master the necessary key skills and to apply them with fluency to detailed, multi-step examination questions.

Pupils are currently set by ability throughout year groups to ensure lessons are carefully tailored to the needs and abilities of each group and the individuals within them.

Extended Learning

Extended learning in Mathematics takes the form of short, sharp tasks set on a regular basis.

These tasks may include further practise of skills covered in the lesson, exam style applications, online quizzes or independent revision.

Students are generally assessed once per half term, with revision lists provided for this. Pupils are encouraged to work independently at home in order to prepare accordingly and are shown resources such as BBC Bitesize & Corbett Maths in class, to aid this process.

Detailed marking and analysis of all assessments is completed to ensure pupils and staff are aware of group and individual strengths and weaknesses.

Following this, lesson time is allocated to pupils to complete dedicated improvement tasks to fill any gaps and staff are able to ascertain whether any further input/intervention is required.

Pupils are always encouraged to ask for further help, clarification and practise material should they require it, and to use their own notes/ revision websites regularly to continually retrieve and refresh key skills and methods.


Spiritual Moral Social and Cultural development

Spiritual development – Pupils are encouraged to take independence within their learning in Mathematics and opt for methodologies which suit them. We often use group discussion and feedback to offer alternatives, where pupils are encouraged to help one another before asking for help. In terms of content we aim to enrich the understanding of skills with fascinating concepts of Mathematics in nature such as the golden ratio, something which although not assessed, allows pupils to see a purpose of Mathematics in a real life context.

Moral development – As with any lesson, pupils are aware of the expectations within a Mathematics classroom and the rewards/consequences that follow. However in terms of content, our subject in itself could be argued as giving entirely right or wrong answers. Here we would encourage pupils to provide reasoning for their answers and alternative methods, to highlight the differences between individual approaches and that each are just as acceptable.

Social development – Within Mathematics, pupils from different backgrounds work together in pairs, small groups or take part in whole class feedback with ease. We endeavour to give the skills we teach a real life context wherever possible so pupils can relate to the process being used. A prime example of this is when teaching percentages, we often give a financial context including things like trading games and stocks and shares. We can often use this as an opportunity to talk about the issues surrounding financial awareness and risk.

Cultural development – Wherever possible we aim to add in cultural elements to Mathematics referencing famous Mathematicians and their backgrounds as a hook before a topic, or looking at numerical elements of art such as tessellation in Islamic art. We also work a lot with money and currency and encourage awareness of different monies throughout the world.