Ukraine Support, Thursday 17th March

At Redhill School, pupils and staff have been deeply moved by the worsening humanitarian crisis in Ukraine. The daily reports of families being forced to flee their homes has prompted significant numbers of our school community to come forward with ideas of how Redhill staff and pupils can pledge our support to those that have become refugees over the last few weeks. Following a meeting, a delegation of pupils and staff have decided that they would like to support the crisis in two ways in the first instance:

Firstly, the school will hold a school mufti day (non school uniform day) on Thursday 17th March in order to raise funds to support the Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal. Pupils can wear yellow and blue but this is not compulsory. Any funds raised will be sent directly to the Disasters Emergency Committee and will help to provide food, shelter, healthcare and protection for the millions of Ukrainians who have become displaced due to the crisis. The cost of wearing mufti will be £2 and will be collected by tutors on the Thursday morning.

 Pupils and staff would also like to make a significant school community donation of essential items that will help the refugees fleeing the war in Ukraine. To avoid waste we will collect only the items in school on the list below and representatives from the staff and student senior team will then take our donations to the local collection centre:

The Lighthouse Centre Dudley Community Church,

24-26 Salop Street,



To encourage healthy competition between the year groups, we will monitor which year group manages to donate the most essential items and recognise their achievements accordingly.

Please donate any of the following essential items by bringing them into school and depositing them in the collection point in your tutor room from Monday 14th March until Friday 1st April.

Small Toys | Sleeping Bags | Colouring Books | Nappies | Metal Cups | Torches | Sanitary Towels | Hairbrushes | Batteries | Crayons | Shampoo | Candles | Calpol | Bandages | Shower Gel | Energy Bars | Toothbrushes | Liquid Soap

We have been elated by the kindness, compassion and initiative that the pupils have demonstrated to set up this charity work and we are hopeful that our contributions will be plentiful and well received by the refugees and those who have been displaced.

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