Remembrance Week at Redhill

This year, our site team have collaborated with the art department to present a re-invented, thought-provoking tribute to those who lost their lives fighting in war. The display illustrates the impacts of war on those who were called up to fight, and how their roles changed from their normal occupation to soldier and then upon coming home how these roles reversed. The central themes of readjustment and change extend to the impact on the land the battles were fought upon, as well as the people involved. This display is a product of the talented individuals here at Redhill, who sourced wood from our trees onsite and recycled materials to create beautiful poppies. We look forward to learning more through the week as we build up to our Remembrance Service on Friday. #lestweforget 🌹🐴

Remembrance Service

On the 11th November we gathered as a school for a formal Remembrance Service, with some pupils assembled in the hall while the rest were in classrooms tuning in to our livestream. We paid our respects to the fallen as we listened to a recording of one of our students playing The Last Post, and heard words from a number of students who had produced literature surrounding remembrance of those we’ve lost. Over the week students have worked on a display of poppies for the hall, to tie in with our external display, both looking brilliant. Thank you to every one for making this such a poignant and moving service.

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