GCSE Results Day 2021

We had a fantastic morning of celebration for our Year 11 GCSE Results Day. You should all be very proud of your achievements and we are so happy that we could share the moment with you and congratulate you all. It’s been a year of hard work and determination and your efforts have definitely paid off. Congratulations Year 11!

Head Teacher Jamie Clayton said:

‘Redhill School congratulates all our students on their wonderful achievements. Not only have they worked exceptionally hard in the face of adversity, but they have also developed into exceptional people who will be hugely successful in life. The year group have shown their ability to adapt, support one another and overcome any challenges they have faced. We are so proud and lucky to have supported them and we look forward to seeing them flourish in their future endeavours.

We would like to thank both parents and staff who have played a huge role in supporting the students, helping them become happy, healthy and successful.

Particular recognition goes to Amelia Worrall who achieved 10 grade 9s. Charlie Walker, Qurat Ain, and Keira Hull who achieved 8 grade 9’s. Cara Challand, Harry Faulkner and Alex Parsons who achieved 7 grade 9's.’


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