Emily wins National Anti-Littering Competition!

We are exceptionally proud of Emily in Year 11 for winning the national ‘Bin It’ competition with her fantastic and thought provoking designs. She used strong Business and i-media skills to create her anti-littering campaign poster and won first place in the country! She has won a £500 Amazon voucher for herself and a £500 voucher for the school!

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Emily’s Poster Description

“I have created some anti littering adverts to help encourage people, mainly teens to stop littering and help the environment. I have made two different posters in hopes of reaching a wider audience. Both adverts have got a “bin it” logo and small writing saying its a campaign to try mimic a real poster on anti littering.

This first poster is a realistic portrait of a person who has got blood on them, plastic around their neck and a straw stuck far up their nose causing discomfort and pain. I did that as sometimes some people just don’t care about animals enough to get effected by hearing what happens to animals, so changing it up and making them understand what it would be like if it happened to them, lets them understand how terrible the things that happen to animals due to littering.

The second poster has been made to be spread around on the internet as i have used the popular anime character called “earth-chan” this character is used by anyone but recently has been used by many to show the effects of global warming. I used this character to appeal to those who love anime or just cartoon characters. It can also encourage people to help “eath-chan” as littering affects her since she is the earth as an anime girl. On the poster i have added a grey character which is a “self insert” which is very popular among many fans of anime or roleplay or anyone on social media, the self insert character is throwing away litter and then being hugged by earth-chan, this is a way of encouraging people to help as they can imagine that they are being hugged and thanked by earth-chan.”

Year 8 Winners!

Also a huge congratulations to our Year 8 winners and runners up who entered our in-school ‘Bin It’ competition. They also won some Amazon vouchers! Well done!

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1st: Jaydon - (Drawn storyboard and trash bin picture) £30 pounds amazon

2nd: Benjamin and Liam (Minecraft sketch) £20 Amazon voucher

Joint 3rd: Tierney (Litter Bug drawing) and Unnamed (Presentation) £10 Amazon voucher each

Thank you to the i-media and Business Studies departments for organising the entries.


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