Redhill Music Lessons are Back!

We are over the moon to announce that Redhill can have music lessons back! We have been given the go-ahead from DPA and the school to restart peri lessons from next week. If you were having instrumental or vocal lessons before lockdown, or wish to start learning an instrument at Redhill, please sign up on the Dudley Performing Arts Web page. They will be "live" to start taking additional pupils shortly.

Those pupils who have been have online lessons during lockdown have received a separate email.

If you would like to start learning the violin, please contact Helen Hastings directly at

We are obviously taking all the extra precautions necessary to make sure we are Covid compliant - lessons will take place in the large music rooms in B Block where we can ventilate and social distance fully. All lessons will remain individual for the time being.

Music stands, keyboards and any other equipment used will be cleaned between pupils. Pupils will have a pass to excuse them from lessons and staff will be aware. They will need to tell their class teacher at the start of the lesson what time they need to go, and then excuse themselves just before the start time.

Tuesdays - Keyboard from 8.40, Brass from 10, Voice from 2.25

Wednesdays - Clarinet from 10.30, Piano from 1.00

Thursdays - Flute from 11.30

Friday - Drums from 11.25

Guitar day to be confirmed.

It has been a long and very quiet 12 months in B Block, we are very excited to get the music back!

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