European Bake-Off Competition!

The MFL and Food and Nutrition departments have an exciting half-term bake off competition to announce! We would like you to make CUPCAKES / a cupcake with a language or European theme. You can do a specific flavour or design.

In order to participate, you must collect a form via your tutor, MFL teacher or from the IC. This will then be placed with your entry when judged.

Note: The form asks you to confirm that there are no nuts in your bakes.

Please bring your entry on Monday 1st November to C6 where they will be judged!

Bakes will be sold after the event and split between Macmillan and Friends of Redhill.

This competition is open to Students and Staff! Good luck and we really look forward to seeing your entries!

europe cakes.jpg
spanish cakes.jpg
globe cakes.jpg
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