Wellbeing Workshops for Parents and Carers

We have been sent information from an external source, Educational Psychology, about wellbeing webinars that aim to help Parents and Carers through these challenging times. Please view the information below to learn more.

‘In these difficult times trying to be responsive to what many families are struggling to cope with. Also very aware and concerned about the challenges of parents getting involved in direct teaching of their own children so trying to get some positive, hopeful   inclusive,  helpful psychology out there along what so many other colleagues are doing in such a valuable way.


 Timing: Each session runs from 11am-12pm
Zoom Platform
Cost: Free/Pay what you can afford

New Covid-19 inspired series delivered by Colin and Elliot Newton, using the Zoom platform. We want to directly support and inform  parents and carers  and so indirectly benefit the children and young people with the greatest needs. Please share with anyone who might benefit…

The webinars are focused on trying to support and include children and young people at this difficult time. Engage and learn in the comfort of your own setting as we explore a range of challenges. The content of the sessions will aim to allow safe sharing of experiences, provide fresh insights as well as practical strategies.

Dates are as follows…


19th – Principles for supporting your own child’s learning at home during Lockdown

20th – Ideas for interrupting the isolation of children and young people in lockdown

26th – Maintaining hope and positivity for your child or young person in Lockdown’


Please also visit their website to learn more about their mission.


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