Face Coverings Information

Dear Parents/Carers, 

We are really looking forward to welcoming your child back to Redhill next week. I would like to refer you to the handbook we produced at the end of the summer term, which will answer many of the questions you may have about your child returning to school (click on the link below for access to the handbook) https://www.redhill.dudley.sch.uk/latest-news/2020/7/14/full-reopening-of-redhill-school-in-september-parent-guidelines 

In the guidelines document we highlighted that we would review the guidance on face coverings during the summer. The Department for Education has recently published guidance on the use of face coverings in education, this can be found at https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/face-coverings-in-education/face-coverings-in-education 

Prior to this information being shared, we had already taken the decision that we would support staff and students who wish to wear a covering in school communal areas. This will also extend to the classroom if it helps to offer reassurance. Whilst we encourage the use of face coverings, this will be a personal choice for staff and students and, as it stands, will not be compulsory. In the event of a change of guidance or if we enter a local lockdown due to an increase in the transmission of Covid-19, we may have to adjust our stance. 

Any coverings worn in school should be appropriate for school. They should have no inappropriate words, slogans, images or symbols on them. The use of masks will not form part of our whole school uniform policy.  

Below are some guidelines for wearing face coverings: 

How to Wear a Face Covering- Face coverings must always fully cover both the mouth and nose. They should not be touched or manipulated once worn and should be replaced when they become damp / soiled. 

Hygiene- Hands must be decontaminated (soap and water or alcohol gel) before putting on and after removing face coverings. 

What’s the difference between Face Coverings and Face Masks?- Face coverings should not be confused with face masks which are medical devices and are considered personal protective equipment (PPE). People who were previously shielding (staff and pupils) should consider using surgical face masks for additional protection. 

Visors- Visors are not generally recommended (they are less effective than face coverings) but in some settings (eg. where the face needs to be visible) a face visor may be used. Face visors must cover the whole face to be effective. 

Exceptions- People who cannot put on, wear or remove a face covering because of a physical or mental illness or impairment, or disability, or if you are speaking to or providing assistance to someone who relies on lip reading, clear sound or facial expression to communicate are not required to wear a face covering. 

Shielding- People who were previously shielding (staff and pupils) should consider using surgical face masks for added protection. 

If your child will be wearing a mask, it is important that they bring a clear, sealable plastic bag that can be used to store masks safely when they are not being used. The following link offers Government guidance on the wearing of face masks https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/face-coverings-when-to-wear-one-and-how-to-make-your-own/face-coverings-when-to-wear-one-and-how-to-make-your-own 

Over the summer we have been busy ensuring our school is ready to open for the students, this has been undertaken alongside the renovation of C Block with new windows being installed. The school will look and feel different, I encourage you talk this through with your child before they return. The Quality of teaching and support we provide to our students will not change; we are ready to deliver exceptional learning experiences whilst providing the best in pastoral care for all our students. We also know that many of our parents may be feeling anxious about their child returning to school, we are here to support you during this time. Please call the school or email us with any questions you may have. 

The timings for the induction days and return to school are found on the following link https://www.redhill.dudley.sch.uk/latest-news/2020/8/21/first-week-back-arrangements 

All the staff at Redhill are really looking forward to welcoming your child back. We will work extremely closely in supporting one another over the next academic year and beyond. Please keep in contact with the school and if you have any questions please ask and we will do the best we can to support you. 

Best wishes 

Mr J Clayton 


Matthew Roach