Redhill Launches Video Instructional Teaching

This week has seen us launch our Video Instructional Teaching (VIT Resources)! We are very proud to say that we have delivered over 50 subject specific VIT videos to all of our pupils this week, which has really supported their online learning and provided them with a familiar voice to ‘teach’ them whilst they are learning at home. We have had wonderful feedback from our pupils on this and it has really complimented their online resources and their HiTs (Hand in Tasks).

We have also delivered 96 face to face lessons to our year 10 pupils this week. Over 70% of the cohort have been due in school this week to receive English, Maths and Science lessons. It has been great to see our pupils back in the classroom!

All of this has ran alongside the learning support that we have continued to offer to our Key Worker and Vulnerable pupils.

Well done to everyone involved, it has been a great week at Redhill!

Please play the video below to hear thoughts from our Headteacher on this week:

Matthew Roach