Google Classroom Email Summaries for Parents

Dear Parents/Carers,

We would like to take the opportunity to thank you for your continued support and acknowledge some of the amazing work which is being undertaken by our students remotely. We understanding that remote learning is a very different experience to what normally happens in school on a daily basis and it has been heart-warming to see some of the work which our students have been producing.

We continue to work hard to ensure that our students are fully supported and that the quality of materials we produce and feedback we provide helps to support them in their learning journey. The addition of our ‘video instructional teaching’ materials as mentioned in the Head teachers’ previous communication, will provide students with a more humanised approach to learning and allow them to hear and in some cases see their subject teachers.

As we continue to move forward, as ever your input as parents and guardians is invaluable and over the past weeks we have received a number of telephone and email queries asking whether we are able to provide an overview of your son/daughters learning across all subject areas. As teachers we are also keen to ensure that both you and your child are aware of impending deadlines and likewise receive notification of missed deadlines. As a result, we have standardised our internal processes and are please to share with you that we are now able to provide daily updates to parents on the work that has been set, as well as approaching deadlines via the ‘Guardian emails’ facility on Google Classrooms (Google Classroom Email Summaries).

I would like to take this opportunity to share with you the processes we are implementing internally and notify you that over the next three working days you will receive an invitation to receive daily updates on your son/daughters engagement in online learning. Further information is provided on the email with this letter and the school website -

Redhill procedures for monitoring and providing feedback on student engagement in online learning.

Procedures for feedback.png

Thank you for your continued and invaluable support.

Mrs V Baggott

Assistant Headteacher

Matthew Roach