Year 10 Parents and Students Update

27th March 2020

Dear Parent / Carer,

I hope that this letter finds you safe and well. Over the last few weeks and months, our pupils have been preparing for their Summer Exams and Work Experience. You will be seeking information about how the school closure will impact these upcoming calendared events. As a school, we want to provide clarity and certainty for our students in these most uncertain of times.

The decision has been taken to cancel the Year 10 Summer Exams that were due to take place from Monday 27th April until Thursday 7th May. When pupils come back into school, whenever that might be, we do not want them to be taken out of their normal curriculum timetable for two weeks to sit formal exams. It would be a further interruption to their learning routine that has already had a lot of disruption.

We will still give our pupils the experience of the final examinations in the Year 11 Mock Examinations which take place late in the Autumn Term. This will prepare them for what to expect in the final GCSE’s in the summer of 2021.

This means that all Year 10’s should focus on the work that is being set for them on Google Classroom by members of teaching staff. If revision has taken place already, then do not feel it has been wasted time. It will only benefit pupils in the long run.

Many businesses have also closed due to the Coronavirus outbreak. This has led to the decision to cancel Work Experience for Year 10 pupils from Monday 11th May until Friday 15th May 2020. Following discussions with a variety of our local Work Experience providers and for the safety or our pupils and the local community, we feel that this will be the best course of action. Whilst it is disappointing that we have to make this decision, I am sure that all parents / carers and students appreciate the situation that we are faced with.

If you need to contact school at any time over the upcoming weeks and months for any other matters, please email me on We will do all we can to support you and your family during these difficult times.

Kind regards,

Mr A Bishop

Head of Year 10

Matthew Roach