Start Of Term Information

Dear Parents/Carers,

I hope that you are having a safe and enjoyable winter break. Yesterday the Department for Education (DfE) announced some changes to the start of the new term for schools in England. This letter explains some of those changes and will be followed up with further information in due course.

The changes that affect Redhill school are as follows:

  • The January INSET day is not affected. On Monday 4th January school is only open for staff

  • From Tuesday 5th until Friday 8th January, Redhill will only be open to children of Key workers and vulnerable students. Before the break we asked parents to email if you needed a place for your child. We will confirm provision with parents when we return to school on the INSET day

  • Year 11 students will return to school on Monday 11th January. From Tuesday 5th until Friday 8th January, students in this year group will access online learning via Google classroom

  • Year 7-10 students will return to school on Monday 18th January. From Tuesday 5th until Friday 15th January, students in this year group will access online learning via Google classroom

  • External vocational examinations will take place as normal during this time period

  • Further guidance on the changes can be found in the link below

Prior to the break, the DfE announced that they were expecting schools to be part of a Mass Asymptomatic testing programme. More guidance has been issued on how this will work and there are further training sessions for school leaders due to take place on Monday 4th January. When we have the answers to all of our questions, I will communicate our plan for implementing this testing programme with you.

Finally, I would like to wish you all a safe and enjoyable New Year. I apologise for all of the changes that you are having to deal with and thank you once again for your support.

Best wishes,

Jamie Clayton


Matthew Roach