Redhill School pupils and staff celebrate outstanding GCSE results summer 2019


Data in this page refers to 2019 examinations data as this was the last nationally published set of data.

Redhill pupils achieved excellent results in the GCSE exams this summer across a wide range of subjects. All exam qualifications this year have followed the new specifications and grading has become increasingly difficult; Redhill pupils responded to the challenge and recorded very good grades.

Core subject areas achieved some very high results with 91% of Redhill pupils leaving with a standard pass in English and 81% of pupils achieved a standard pass in Mathematics. A striking 82% of our pupils also achieved two standard grades or above in science subjects. The percentage of pupils gaining a standard pass in both English and Mathematics is 78%.

Results for Triple Science are excellent with 64% of the grades awarded in Biology, Chemistry and Physics being a 7 to 9 grade. The DFE gold standard English Baccalaureate was highly impressive with 45% of Redhill students gaining this qualification. This figure again puts Redhill significantly above the national average for pupils gaining the English Baccalaureate.

The top 10 pupils in the school this year achieved between them 61 Grade 9’s, 23 Grade 8’s and 16 grade 7’s overall. Our highest achieving boy, James Jackson, achieved a brilliant 7 grade 9’s and 4 grade 8’s in his range of subjects. Bethan Cornick, our top achieving girl, gained 8 grade 9’s and 1 grade 8 & 2 grade 7’s in her subjects.

Headteacher Chris McGrail commented:

‘These are brilliant results. We are delighted with the fantastic achievements of our pupils this year. A large number of students have achieved top grades in their subjects and are now going onto the courses they have chosen. I am very proud of every pupil who has left us this year to pursue the next stage of their education.’

Staff and pupils celebrated together on 22nd August the GCSE results day.

Progress 8 score 0.15

Attainment 8 score 52.7

Percentage of pupils who have achieved a strong pass in English and mathematics. (A 'strong pass' refers to a grade 5 or above) 48.3%

Percentage of pupils entering for the English Baccalaureate 69.7%

Percentage of pupils achieving the English Baccalaureate 5+ 29% 4+ 45%

Percentage of pupils staying in education or employment after KS4 (destinations) 97%

Click here to view our attainment statistics.

Matthew Roach