Appointment of Headteacher

Dear Parents

On behalf of the Directors of the Stour Vale Trust and Governors of Redhill School we are delighted to confirm the appointment of Mr James Clayton to the post of Headteacher from the 1st September 2019.

As we had expected, the post attracted a very large and strong field of applicants, and governors were involved along with support from the Stour Vale Academy Trust in the rigorous selection procedures. As Deputy Headteacher in our school Mr Clayton has proved himself to be a highly effective leader and we look forward to his considerable talents being further used and developed as our Headteacher.

I am sure you will join us in congratulating Mr Clayton on his appointment and in supporting him as he leads Redhill School into a new and exciting future.

Yours sincerely

Tony Ramsarran                                                                               Stephen Dunster

Chair of Governors                                                                          CEO Stour Vale Academy Trust

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