Curtains School Producion

Our annual School Production ran from the 23rd to the 25th October and once again it was a huge success!

Our show this year was ‘Curtains’; It is a show within a show; a Boston theatre company is putting on a production of "Robbin' Hood" set in the Old Wild West, and during opening night something sinister happens to the unpopular leading lady. Along comes our theatre loving detective, Lieutenant Cioffi, who then attempts to solve the crime and save the show!

Thank you to all our pupils and staff for all their hard work and congratulations for once again putting on such an entertaining and professional production. Thanks also to all the parents and members of the community who came to support the Production.

Mrs Hastings, Head of Music, said:

What a fantastic group of people to work with! Amazing production once again, they have worked so hard and it has been a brilliant week. This one has been very special to us... we are "Show People" #it'swhatwedo “

Matthew Roach