Food Technology
Subject Overview
The Food department at Redhill School is an exciting and energizing area to work in. Our ethos is to ensure that our pupils are equipped with the knowledge, understanding and skills to be able to cook and apply the principles of food science, nutrition and healthy eating.
Whilst at Redhill School, students are taught a wide range of practical skills and scientific based knowledge which will enable them to feed themselves and others affordably and nutritiously, now and later in life.
During Year 7 and 8 pupils study Food Nutrition for one hour a week. Opportunities are also provided for students to join food clubs and engage in competitions to become the next ‘Master Chef’. For a number of years we have competed in local and regional Rotary Chef Competitions and have a reputation for producing some outstanding results. On a termly basis we also celebrate outstanding practice and commitment by awarding our star chef badge and achievement certificate.
At GCSE level we continue to build upon the skills and knowledge developed in KS3, whilst also preparing them for the GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition course. This course is 50% examinations and 50% NEA (Non Examinations Assessment).
Careers Links
As a department we strive to ensure that our students are provided with the most up to date and relevant information relating to careers in the food industry. We frequently have visiting chefs to help inspire our young learners and have established strong links with local colleges and Universities.
Opportunities to engage in Saturday Mast Class schools are also available to those who wish to extend their learning further.
Extended Learning
Year 7 and 8 pupils undertake 2 mini extended learning tasks.
* Year 7 focuses on Healthy eating and Afternoon Teas.
* Year 8 pupils investigate food provenance/food cultures as well as sustainability in food.
Year 9, 10 and 11 extended learning is half termly based relating to the GCSE course content.