Frequently asked questions on home learning
It says that I need to print the booklet/work, I am unable to print what do I do?
There is no requirement to print any work. If we have mentioned this, then we are sorry. I will ensure that no work needs to be printed in the future. If you would like an exercise book for your child to complete the work in, please email and we will try and post one out. When we are all up and running with Google Classroom all resources will be online. In the meantime, I suggest you use paper instead of printing the resources.
How long should I spend on the work, there are no guidelines?
As we set new work I will ask staff to provide a brief overview focusing on the length of time required for each piece of work. We all have to remember that this way of working is new and children learn and work at a different pace. We will provide some guidelines as we set work in the future.
The work has no due date, when should they complete it by?
Last week we were a fully operational school with a large amount of staff off sick. In order to ensure that we provided work for the first week of the closure we asked staff to provide resources that were generic. The reason for there being no due date is that we are unsure when the school will be instructed to open again, therefore the work should be completed as and when by your child/children
How often will new work be put on the system?
We asked staff to put work on the system last week whilst the school was still open. We are already working with parents on answering your questions on accessing the work, frequency etc. I ask for your patience this week, from next week we will have much clearer guidelines as a school. I anticipate us uploading new resources on a weekly basis in the future.
Can my child access the school to pick up resources?
No, we need to reduce social contact. As much as we would love all pupils to be in school, we are all aware of the reasons why this is not possible.
How do I access Google Classroom?
Please see the ICT support page for access to Google Classroom. Our technicians are on hand and will offer you the support you require.
I will be asking staff to attach the following information to work set in the future:
Very brief pupil guidelines and overview of the work required.
Resources needed to complete the work.
Suggested length of time for completion.
Due date if required, the majority of the resources will be for home learning only.
Thank you to all the parents who have asked questions. When we know your questions, we can provide answers.
Please keep in contact
Mr J Clayton