Business Studies
Subject Overview
At Redhill we believe that it is important for all students to have experience of Business and Financial management from an early age. Whilst students will not officially begin studying Business as an option choice until the start of Year 9, all students will study key business and finance units of work through their PSHE study. This will allow students to have a good foundation of Business prior to making their option choices.
At key stage 4 students will study a foundation of Business in year 9 covering all aspects of the course, followed by deeper knowledge building in years 10 and 11. The topics that are studied as part of the course are: Business Activity; Marketing; People; Operations; Finance and Influences on Business.
We have 5 dedicated I.T. rooms for students to develop their business knowledge as well as the use of traditional classrooms to develop theory knowledge. For all homework projects that students complete we focus on using either cloud or open-source software so students can carry out their work at home, or during extended periods of absence. Where I.T. access is not available student can use the I.T. facilities during homework club on a weekday evening.
Extended Learning
Below are some useful websites that contain revision material for our different options choices:
Exam Board Information:
Recommended Reading:
Revision Notes: Course Guide:
You will receive a message regarding purchasing the revision notes through parents pay at a discounted price in Sept 2018.
Lesson tasks, Revision Notes and Exercises