Former Student - Now Teacher, Miss McGlynn

Having the opportunity to experience being both a pupil and teacher at Redhill has been a pleasure and has given me a real insight into the ethos of the school: the people truly are at the centre of what we do here. As a pupil, I felt cared about by my teachers and to now be that teacher, providing the care, feels like such a special and important job to me. Redhill curated a sense of hard-work, motivation, and determination in everything I do, so I try to pass that onto my pupils in every way possible; it is always in the forefront of my mind that I want them to feel deserving and confident to pursue their chosen pathways as I did when I left Redhill.

There are so many core memories from my time here, from school trips, to sports clubs, to favourite teachers (hi, Mrs George!) but perhaps one of my most precious is the fact I met my long-term partner, Henry, here and I really cherish all the adventures and experiences we have had together since then, made possible by the quality education we received to enable us to both secure professional jobs in our areas of interest.

What's it like being on the other side and now being staff at Redhill?

Everyone asks me this question and honestly, it really doesn't feel that odd anymore. At first, it was strange to sit in the staffroom with my old teachers (hi again, Mrs George!) but now that I am in a position of leadership in English (KS4 Co-Ordinator) I like to think I have earned my place as a member of staff here and I am treated that way by all my colleagues. I think having come here myself, I have a special kind of empathy with the pupils for what they are going through, and I completely understand their trials and tribulations - particularly when it comes to exams - as I was them, in these corridors, feeling equally worried and stressed, only ten years or so ago!

What do you appreciate about your time at Redhill looking back?

Everything. I truly look back on my school days with such positivity and nostalgia. I really loved school and I feel honoured to be part of pupils' experiences here at Redhill. I come to work with the hope that one day they will look back and feel the same.

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